Make Your Medical Practice More Efficient With Market Research Consultants

Medical Practice Market Research Consultant

Medical research is important because it helps innovate biomedical technology, as well as advance medical methodologies. In fact, just recently a psychological study was conducted by market research consultants using an eye-tracking device similar to Google Glass. The study aimed to see how people behaved when they knew they were being observes versus not knowing […]

Buyer Personas, An Effective Tool for Data-Driven Marketing

Data-driven Marketing

Rule number one of effective marketing is to understand your audience. In whatever industry you market, be it education, healthcare, or business that understanding must be sufficiently robust and sophisticated to guide successful marketing strategies which realize key business objectives.  Data-driven marketing from the marketing research professionals at New Perspectives is an integral part of […]

The Benefits of Market Research Surveys, Discerning The Truth

Market Research Surveys Benefits

New Perspectives uses market research surveys to discern the truth. We know marketing professionals are committed to the companies for which they work. They understand the benefits of the products and services they offer and typically view these as superior to similar products offered by their competitors. That is why they work for their companies, […]

Wearable Technology, A Promising Tool for Better Business Insights

Wearable Tech Business Insights

Wearable technologies have been growing in popularity for users who are interested in tracking their health, new products and designs are creating an entirely new market that is focused on business. While wearable technology has been used in the healthcare and military sectors for quite some time, point of view wearables are quickly gaining attention […]

To Radio Or To Drop Down, Marketing Experiments Answer The Question

Marketing Experiments Answer Questions

Marketing experiments are performed in order to see how marketing tools and marketing research surveys are perceived by the user. A recent series of marketing experiments examined form elements and how they effected surveys.  A particularly interesting study was of radio buttons versus drop down menus. Understanding the study results can help craft more successful […]

Appreciating Consumer Insights In Business Negotiation

Consumer Insights Benefit Negotiation

Learning to manage consumer insights can be a mission critical advantage your business. Understanding these consumer insights and how they interact with your brand, products and services should be thought of as an integral part of the sales and marketing process. Turn to the marketing research experts at New Perspectives. We can help you compile […]

The Problem of Measuring Social Media Campaigns for Marketing Research

Measuring Social Media Campaigns

The problem of measuring social media campaigns has been an ongoing concern for marketers. A recent article “Measuring social is harder than you think” in Research Live suggests that accurately measuring social media campaigns is much harder than one might think. That is because one can easily count things like clicks on links, plays of […]

Real-time Market Surveys Using Smartphone App Succeeds

Task Spotting Market Surveys

It was only a matter of time before the modern technology of smart phones would be applied to market surveys. According to Wamda, a small start-up in the Middle Eastern country of Dubai has created a smartphone app called Task Spotting. The smartphone app allows companies to conduct market research at the point of sale, […]

Physician Focus Groups Have Special Considerations for Success

Successful Physician Focus Groups

Focus groups can be a powerful marketing tool—if they are conducted by experienced marketing research consultants who understand that not every focus group is equal. For example, focus groups of retail consumers are different from those of small business owners. Effectively designing and moderating an effective focus group necessitates understanding this, as well as having […]