Smells Like Teen Influence

teenagers online

iMedia Connection has posted the article “Smells Like Teen Influence”, which cites three JupiterResearch polls regarding Teen marketing and Internet use. Jupiter conducted a survey of 1,800 online teens, ages 13-17, about their attitudes and habits via the Internet and offline. The reports — “Demographic Profile: Teens Online,” Online Teen Marketing Segmentation: Reaching Teen Influencers” […]

New Perspectives Launches a New Website

new perspectives website

New York, USA (Oct 26, 2011) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Perspectives today announces the launch of the website for New Perspectives. The site is a Scherr Technology Signature Website with content management system (CMS) and search engine optimization (SEO) featuring mobile, blog, direct email and webform engines. About Scherr Technology Scherr Technology fills the […]